pake TRAKTOR aja!

mau bajak sawah? pake TRAKTOR aja! lebih cepet ......
by "trisnombolong"

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012


serving the motor vehicle repair, body and engine! .. oil change and tire!
besides strum motorcycle battery
goods and accesoris from jakarta motorcycle

come aja to: setiawan (better known as children pack Suyono)
sungapan, rt 06/rw 03, jamusan jumo.

tractor plow:

would plow fields?. more effective and efficient. aja pake tractor

come aja to: setiawan (better known as children pack Suyono)
sungapan, rt 06/rw 03, jamusan jumo.
ris <paman kresek> 085291155966

milled coffee:

only serves coffee mill in sungapan aja ..!

come aja to: setiawan (better known as children pack Suyono)
sungapan, rt 06/rw 03, jamusan jumo.

info: "trisnombolong" (085287747375)


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